Another flame has flickered out!

A voice that once proclaimed beauty

in mellow tones in lyric verse,

now gone in an instant,

within the blinking of an eye.


Nature was of his concern,

both for its ruggedness and appeal.

Yet upon its air he took wing

and dashed toward a watery depth;

now lifted up is landed on the shore.


There is a certain melody

that will no longer play.

This soul has sounded in full chord

with harmony resounding through the air

accomplished enough to touch within.


Proclaim your message to the heights,

cry out in echo through canyons deep.

Sing wistfully in full resonance each verse

of encouragement and by impromptu act

weep to the bottom of every open heart.


Life is sweet, to be cherished,

bourne against adversity and played

with music best suited to enthrall

each wandering spirit and to alleviate

the melancholy of death’s pall.


Oct. 17th. 1997 © Will George


Will George Poet
